Saturday, September 27, 2014

Love Bites : Best Love Quotes To Treasure

Love is in the air. Love is everywhere. Love can make the world go round. Love can make you smile.

Love is not meant to be kept. Love is meant to be shared.

These quotes briefly chosen to remind readers that love is much more important than money, gadgets, and career. Earthly things can all disappear in just a blink of an eye. But love, it is the main foundation of our WORLD.

All forms of love is holy. It is a vow of everlasting covenant. 

Love knows no fear. It's bond is mightier than swords, stronger than steel and harder than diamond.

Love is best when shared by two.

No love is more than any love. In love, no on is above nor below.
Everything is equal. No social status. No money statement.

Smile is a way of showing love, and love makes people smile.
One glimpse of smile can give a thousand joy. 

No man is an island. Love cannot be alone. It is among your friends, loved ones and family. Love is the bond that holds souls together. 

Wind cannot be seen but can be felt as
Love is cannot be seen, but so great to be felt.

Pure love manifests every parts of the body. 
The eyes can see beyond vision, 
The nose can smell beyond scent.
The ears can hear the sweetest serenade.

Everybody knows what is love, but only few knows how to LOVE.

Remember, LOVE is priceless. 
It is never FOR SALE.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Anxiety Management: The Iron Man Way

"Hoping for a better life.
Waiting for something in return.
Losing the strength to hold on difficult situation."

People in nature are prone to anxiety. It is like a wild beast attacking every possible prey regardless of social status; artists, politicians, religious sectors, professionals. Even Ironman has anxiety disorder.

Look at these dialogues from the movie “IRONMAN”:

                Harley Keener: Just breathe. Really, just breathe. You're a mechanic, right?
                Tony Stark: Right.
                Harley Keener: You said so.
                Tony Stark: Yes, I did.
                Harley Keener: Why don't you just build something?

Remember this conversation? It is from movie Iron Man 3. This part is when Tony’s anxiety disorder attacked.

Let’s see how he manages to handle the situation:

First, Keener told Tony Stark to breathe. Breathing relaxes the muscles and gives more oxygen to the brain. That way, his body can relax and his mind can think clearer.

Second, Keener told Tony Spark that he is a mechanic. This reminded Tony Stark that he can build from nothing to something. Letting people know their good qualities and awesome talents can be an instrument to widen their perspectives. It is just a matter of looking on the bigger picture.

Let us cite a few more that can help to cope up anxiety.

1.) Fill Your Mind with Good Thoughts.

        Nothing beat a mind that has positive outlook. Negative thoughts lead to anxiety, forcing your brain to panic.

2.) Have a Break with Family and Friends.

          Hanging out with loved ones can create happy thoughts. Thoughts that are worth remembering every time you feel anxious.

3.) Talk to your Diary
     Overflowing fear and sadness can cause panic. Try to write your worries and fears down on a piece of paper. Crumpling the paper afterwards feels good too.

4.) Have a hobby

           Having a hobby is one way to ease your anxiety. It could be photography, blogging, or something you are passionate about.

5.) Shout it out LOUD!

          Shout! Yell! Let it out of you. Go to a place where you can exert all your force shouting out your worries. Doing this calms your mind and body.

6.) Share it With Someone

          Sharing to your trusted friends your fears which causes your anxiety is a good thing. This lessens the burden you carry.

What lesson can we learn from Harley Keener? Well, while Tony Spark is under the state of anxiety attack, Harley Keener remains calm.

Over acting and panic can lead to anxiety. We forget that instead of wasting time and energy on freaking out. We can just stop for a moment and sigh… Keep Calm!


Don't Panic, Keep Calm

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
                                                                                                  -by William James.

As we move forward towards the world of advanced technology, we have to keep up the pace so we will not be left behind. This stresses us out.

 Stress comes from the following:
1. Death of someone close to you
2. Life Growth
3. Job
4. Illness
5. Heavy Responsibilities

Above are just some of the reasons of stress.

How will we ease stress? Actually this can be so easy...

You have to learn what triggers your stress. Once you know it, create steps to manage it. Each person has something that triggers stress.

Here's how to ease your stress:

1.    Manage Your Time.

If you are stressed due to your overwhelming work load, get a paper and pen then list down all your to-do’s and set a priority. Managing your time properly will help you lessen your stress making you an efficient employee.

2.     Adjust to Stressful People.

You cannot always please everybody. The best way to deal with people you hate is to accept who they are. Accept the fact that everybody has differences to deal with.

 3.    Share Your Thoughts and Feelings.

Keeping everything to yourself will stress you out. Look for something you can do to relieve it like writing a diary. Share to your trusted friends everything, speak your mind and release whatever is troubling you.

4.     Relax and Keep Calm
Stopping for a while as you drink coffee is a good thing. If stress leads to panic, the chances of mistakes are higher. Learn to stop and regain your composure.

5.     Stay Positive

Don’t stay in the dark. Open your doors and windows. Let the sunlight in and think of good things. If someone so dear to you has passed away, it is normal to be sad but it is better to remember that person’s happy memories if you were not given the chance to be promoted at work, it is okay to feel sad but remember all the good qualities and all the positive gifts you have.

Stress is manageable. You can always be happy. It is all in you. It is in your mind. It is how you perceive things. Nothing beats the mind. Your mind is powerful. Just believe in what you can do.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Family and Work – Balancing Work and Family

     It’s just an ordinary day in your work when suddenly, here comes the greatest villain of them all!

     Your boss! He is always shouting, enraged and acting like a boss! (Well uh... he is your boss anyway).
So what will you do?

     Curse your boss! Get a doll (with your boss’ face on it and its CLOBBERING TIME!!!
Isn't fascinating to beat your boss in your mind?

     But come on, he is not worth your energy at all so do not be stressed by him. Just choose from
these two options: whine about your boss? Or have a wonderful vacation with your family.

     Work is work. Do not take it personally. As the rule of the thumb, we should leave our work at the
office. Do not ever bring it to your home. You do not want stress and fatigue following you to your home
don’t you? If you brought it home, your mind and body will be worn out.

     Home is a home not an office, Home is where your family is.
Our family needs focus and we cannot focus on them if our minds are preoccupied.
There are bigger things than hating your boss. Why waste our time on bad thoughts if we can fill
our thoughts with love and happiness.

"Think what the best is because bad things are always and will always be here, but choosing on 
what is much more essential is always up to us."